The Skeptical Therapist -- Online Therapy


Author: Mackenzie Lambine, Ph.D.

(Psych. Asst. PSB94022680; Supervised by Dr. Scott, PSY29242)

I’ll level with you guys… I was a skeptic…

I’ve always had a healthy suspicion of the “new,” “the trendy,” “the next big thing.”  That doesn’t mean that I’m not willing to try it, per se…I’m just not particularly excited about it.  

Nevertheless, when I joined Framework Associates last fall, I learned about how they’d invested in the latest HIPAA-compliant software that allowed me to video chat with my clients outside of the office. Think Skype, but secure and confidential. You sit in your house, office, or self-constructed prison of mental anguish (ha!), and have a therapy session with me – while I sit in my dining room. 

Think Skype, but secure and confidential…

I’ll be honest: I assumed it would be awkward meeting someone for the first time on a screen, even more so because they may be disclosing their private thoughts and difficulties.

However, I’ve been pleasantly surprised that within a few minutes of meeting someone online, it’s felt surprisingly comfortable. Just like therapy sessions I have in Framework’s office, you and I aren’t focusing on the fact that we’re talking online, we’re focusing on what matters most—you! 

Just like therapy sessions I have in Framework’s office, you and I aren’t focusing on the fact that we’re talking online, we’re focusing on what matters most—you! 

For me, the foundation of successful therapy is a genuine connection between us, in which I unconditionally accept you and strive to help you overcome the challenges that you face in life. This foundation can not only exist, but can flourish in online therapy! 

Oh, and I almost forgot the best part… It’s covered by your insurance. You simply pay your co-pay (usually only about $20). 

Needless to say, I’m now a huge believer in online healthcare, and I genuinely think it’s the future of medicine that we’ll all be using in 5 years.

Needless to say, I’m now a huge believer in online healthcare!

Ready to give online therapy a try? Click here to schedule your first appointment.

Online therapy is ideal for:

  • People who hate sitting in LA traffic to get to an appointment. 

  • People with demanding work schedules who may be unable to commit to a single weekly therapy time. 

  • Adults who take care of kids, elderly parents, etc. and need the flexibility of being seen online. 

  • Frequent travelers

  • And those of us who want to have therapy in a the place that’s most comfortable—our own home.

The bottom line is…I can give you all the information and encouragement in the world about trying online therapy, but at the end of the day, you have to be willing to take the risk and try something new! After all, what have you got to lose?

Looking forward to seeing you on my screen, 


Ready to give online therapy a try?

Click here to schedule your first appointment.